Monday, July 14, 2008

To Whom It May Concern

Bella and I are taking some very, very much needed time in Oklahoma for the next 10 days. The blog will probably get the boot off my "things to do list" until we get back based on the fact that my "things to do list" has nothing on it other than the following

1. Enjoy not being in full Mommy Mode.
2. Stay in my pajamas all day long while my mother-in-law does the same thing and not be ashamed of it at all.
3. Only switch out of before mentioned pajamas to take the girls outside and play naked in the sprinkler. (Not me, the kids.)
4. Cook and eat and cook and eat.
5. Soak up time with 3 of my favorite people in the world. Mimi, Pa and Uncle Matt.


Melanie said...

enjoy!! we'll be doing some of the same when Barrett goes to Uganda in August

Anonymous said...

Call me. You'll be just down the road.