Friday, June 27, 2008


The other day I was telling someone about something that Bella had come up with and they said to me "How fun, she is starting to imagine". Maybe it's just me but I don't know that I quite consider it imagining as much as I think of it as Bella has just started making stuff up. As for Andy, well he says that she is a liar. I think that's a little harsh yet kind of funny. But he still does a good job of humoring her. (For an example, my post about the monster hunt...)

Here are some of the latest.
Scene- In my car, headed back home from the Argyle Campus
Bella: Momma! I see a ewaphant!
Me: An elephant! Where Bella?
Bella: Wite dayer on da gwass!!!
Me: Really! Wow Bella, cool.
Bella: Uh-huh, hees blue.
Me: A blue elephant, that's great Bella! What's his name?
Bella: Uh-huh, hees name is Isabella Gwace Tilly.
Me: Oh yeah? What a beautiful name.
Bella: Yep, hees bootiful. An he likes chocwat.
Me: Chocolate Bella?
Bella: Uh-huh. An when we get home, I need to give heem one.
Me: Oh you do huh?
Bella: Yes. He peed.
Me: Oh, ok. I get it.
Bella: But...but I need to give da chocwat to heem.
Me: Ok.
Bella: An you need to go in da udder woom.

Or this one
Scene- Tilly Family Living Room, Bella has her "cell phone" up to her ear.
Me: Bella, what are you doing?
Bella: I'm jus talkin to Dad.
Me: Oh yeah, what's Daddy have to say?
Bella: Um...he says hees gonna bwing me a wowitoe.
Me: A burrito? That sounds good. What else is Daddy saying?
Bella: He says dat you needa go to time out Mom.
Me: What? Why do I need to go to time out?
Bella: Because you was naughty.
Me: I was not Bella. You are the naughty one.
Bella: Daddy jus said now you needa spankin.
Me: A spankin! Your nuts.
Bella: No Momma, Daddy says you cwazy or sumfin. (A quote from Channing in their video together, you can watch it...see a few posts back.)
Me: I'm crazy or somthin? I think your crazy or somethin.
Bella: Ok, fine. Now you godda go night-night Mom. Daddy says.

1 comment:

bailey said...

oh my goodness emily, I have been in Florida so I haven't gotten to look at your blog in a while but I just laughed out loud at every single post that I read. I love it!