Monday, June 30, 2008


I think that Bella is beautiful.
Of course her face is gorgeous, Andy and I do make a good lookin baby! But I think that everything about her is beautiful. Her passion. Her innocence. Her lack of understanding and her growing knowledge of the things around her. Her messy hair that never seems to grow accept for one extra long hair that when fully stretched is inches longer than the rest. Her extreme joy in the little things and her tragic disappointment both over something as simple as a bottle of bubbles. Her need for repetition but also her desire to try something new. Her fearless love. Her precise decisions and her curiosity of what was behind door #2. (She gets that from her Daddy.) Her drama that accompanies random everyday events such as peeing in her Pull-Up all over the picture of Ariel from The Little Mermaid...that was a very, very sad day for Bella yet she has no problem with doing it everyday since then. Her endearing love for people and her cold-as-ice attitude that can make someone feel kinda stupid. Her future, who she will be and what she will accomplish. Her failures that will be painful but will shape her strength for the next time. Her touch. Her smell. Her tears. Her laugh. Her love. Her fear. Her hope.

I think everything, every single thing about Bella is beautiful. I want to make it my goal that she will never, ever have to wonder otherwise.

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