Saturday, August 2, 2008

Moments with Bella...

So Bella and I had a moment this morning. We were snuggled up on the couch...
Me: You want me to tell you a story Bella?
Bella: Yes Mom.
Me: Ok, close your eyes. Once upon a time there was a little girl named Isabella Grace Haggabagga Iggaboo Ho-Ho Tilly. (I know, I know) And she had a Momma and a Daddy who love her very much. And she is my sweet, stinky little woman.
Bella: Ok, my ton.
Me: Ok, your turn.
Bella: Go to sleep. Cwose you eyes.
Me: Ok.
Bella: Wuns-pon-tie...Oh I buped.
Me: Is that your story Bella? That you burped?
Bella: No, I jus buped in you face. Now go to sleep. Cwose you eyes.

So I close my eyes, after having my face burped in rather than a sweet story from my little girl yet still expecting to have hear a precious pearl of imagination from her. She gets close to me and puts her little hands on my face. I am thinking, this is going to be great.
Bella: Wuns-pon-tie...

It is then that I get a slimy, hot little tongue slid across my forehead.

Bella: I licked you face Momma.
Me: I know Bella. I know.
Bella: I'm done wit you Momma.
Me: Alright, thanks Bella.
Bella: You wewcome.

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