Saturday, August 2, 2008

The In-Laws

I got it good. I mean, when it comes to family members that have come along via a marriage, I seriously can say that I have it really, really good. My amazing mother came up with the term "Bonus Children" rather than Son-in-law or Daughter-in-law. I love that. So here is what my Bonus Family is like. And by the way, if it sounds like I am bragging...that's because I am.

My brother's wife, Robbie...geez. Could I have asked for a more caring, funny, sweet, patient and well-rounded wife for my brother? Nuh-uh. I could not. Seriously, an absolute jewel of a human being. Seriously. I wish I could be half of the wife that Robbie is. She is just awesome. My brother is such an incredible person who was going to be an amazing daddy and husband that it had to take someone pretty special for them to deserve him as far as I was concerned. That's exactly what she is.

Now, Andy is the youngest of 3 boys. Probably gonna have a problem with someone in the mix there right? Um, nope. Matt, the oldest, I am just getting to know and have discovered that he is really a great guy to hang around with. He is an amazing Dad even in some pretty tough circumstances by all accounts. Any guy that will sit during his alone time and let my kid flop on his bed to watch Deadliest Catch with him has got to be a pretty great Uncle.

Luke...I just adore Luke. When I think of the words generous or giving, that's Luke. At first Bella was terrified of his deep bellowing voice, but now Unka Looook is a common topic of conversation in her little world. Now Luke's wife Janie, or Jane-Jane, is seriously one of my greatest friends and closest confidant. Not only did I get Robbie who is incredible, I got it extra good getting to have 2 amazing Bonus Sisters. There is a lot to be said for having a safe place to do some serious venting without it turning into husband bashing. That only works when you have someone who loves and cares about your spouse as well. Plus, I have a built-in advice giver since in a lot of ways, we kind of married different versions of the same person. She makes me laugh until I almost wet my pants...that's my Jane.

Now Jim and Sammye. Alright, I think if you know me then you know how absolutely phenomenal I think that my Mom and Dad are. And if you know them, then you know that I am right. I Love My Momma and My Daddy. So much that it is hard to even find the words. But what did I end up with after I married Andy? A whole new set. And I gotta say that I have got to have probably the best Bonus Parents in the world. In fact, I love being with Jim and Sammye so much that when Bella was a newborn and Andy started traveling all the time I pretty much moved in with them. More than once. More than twice. Not because I had to or was pressured to or needed help. Seriously I just wanted to be there. I mean, I just spent almost 2 weeks sleeping in their living room and there was no other place in the world that I wanted to be for that moment in time. Of course your parent's house feels like home. I love being home with my parents. It's a comfort that is hard to match. But your in-laws house? Ummm, yep. I got that. Cooking with Jim is one of my most favorite things and learning how to cook from him is a close second. Jim raised my amazing husband to believe deep in himself that he can do anything. You know what? He can.
Laying around for days in my ratty house shorts with Sammye as we watch Dr. Phil episodes that she has been recording for over a year now is priceless time to me. Even if it does take us 3 hours to watch one show with all of the kids running chaotically around the house. I am so thankful for so much that Jim and Sammye have done for me, no questions asked. What I am most thankful for though? Having that third kid. Thank you for his life, his mind, his humor, his faith, his stability, his courage, his hope and of course for makin' such a good lookin' kid! That's what I always want them to know, thank you for Andy.

So again, if it sounds like I am bragging then you heard me correctly. I love my family. I. Love. My. Family.

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