Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Our Home

We have lived in our beautiful home for a little over a year now. This was our first house to buy since we have been married and I must admit that I am very, very proud to say that it is ours. We started in 600 sq. feet, then 744 sq. feet, then 800 sq. feet, then 950 sq. feet before we ended up where we call home today. And yes you did count correctly, if you include our move into our first place, Andy and I have moved 5 times in the last 3 1/2 years. Needless to say, we are very, very good at moving.

I love this house. I mean I really, really love this house. Really. After a year I am still learning the ins and outs of home ownership. For instance, I get the pleasure of knowing that I can paint any room in the house any color that I want to...because I can, and I did. Andy can drill holes in any wall of the house to hang our massive speakers that of which I can play music out of any time of day as loud as I want to...and he did, and I do. I can have more than 1 person in the kitchen at a time and not have to go hose down after I get done cooking dinner...and I love it. So many good things some to mind. However there are a few negatives that I have learned. For instance, if the hot water heater, in the hellishly hot attic, on a Saturday night, the night before Father's day, THE DAY THAT OUR HOME WARRANTY EXPIRES, decides to go out, um yea you gotta pay for that yourself. Things like that haven't been so great but I get it, it's just part of it.

I will say that I discovered today that in case of a fire in our home, we will definitely be woken from our sleep by the ear-piercing symphony from our securely mounted, fully operational, 8 smoke detectors. I know this because today I set them off. All of them. 10 times. The food I was cooking for Andy's team lunch is in the trashcan outside and it smells like someone played the flaming bag of dog poop trick on us about 15 times. And then we decided to take one to bed with us and place 5 of them in our living room for safe keeping. It stinks in here today.

But you know what? It's alright. Because I just love this house.


Melanie said...

What a day! Hope it gets better!

Jennifer Ferguson said...

I heard about your kitchen! That seriously shows what a great cook you are! I am sorry your house stinks....maybe overnight someone will mysteriously come take away all that dog poop.:)