Monday, January 26, 2009

Deleting this Blog

Ok for any of you who still use this Blogger page as access to the link to, this blog is about to be deleted. So it's time to make the switch! If you have on your blog roll then you might want change it. Thanks!

Monday, August 4, 2008

New Web Site

Ok, to you guys who read this blog...It is officially moving! is the new spot. I will not be posting to as of today. My much neglected food blog (I know, it's my fault!) is not going anywhere for the time being.

For those of you who have me on your blogroll, you might want to make the change. If not, no worries.

Thanks Blogger, but I am done.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Moments with Bella...

So Bella and I had a moment this morning. We were snuggled up on the couch...
Me: You want me to tell you a story Bella?
Bella: Yes Mom.
Me: Ok, close your eyes. Once upon a time there was a little girl named Isabella Grace Haggabagga Iggaboo Ho-Ho Tilly. (I know, I know) And she had a Momma and a Daddy who love her very much. And she is my sweet, stinky little woman.
Bella: Ok, my ton.
Me: Ok, your turn.
Bella: Go to sleep. Cwose you eyes.
Me: Ok.
Bella: Wuns-pon-tie...Oh I buped.
Me: Is that your story Bella? That you burped?
Bella: No, I jus buped in you face. Now go to sleep. Cwose you eyes.

So I close my eyes, after having my face burped in rather than a sweet story from my little girl yet still expecting to have hear a precious pearl of imagination from her. She gets close to me and puts her little hands on my face. I am thinking, this is going to be great.
Bella: Wuns-pon-tie...

It is then that I get a slimy, hot little tongue slid across my forehead.

Bella: I licked you face Momma.
Me: I know Bella. I know.
Bella: I'm done wit you Momma.
Me: Alright, thanks Bella.
Bella: You wewcome.

The In-Laws

I got it good. I mean, when it comes to family members that have come along via a marriage, I seriously can say that I have it really, really good. My amazing mother came up with the term "Bonus Children" rather than Son-in-law or Daughter-in-law. I love that. So here is what my Bonus Family is like. And by the way, if it sounds like I am bragging...that's because I am.

My brother's wife, Robbie...geez. Could I have asked for a more caring, funny, sweet, patient and well-rounded wife for my brother? Nuh-uh. I could not. Seriously, an absolute jewel of a human being. Seriously. I wish I could be half of the wife that Robbie is. She is just awesome. My brother is such an incredible person who was going to be an amazing daddy and husband that it had to take someone pretty special for them to deserve him as far as I was concerned. That's exactly what she is.

Now, Andy is the youngest of 3 boys. Probably gonna have a problem with someone in the mix there right? Um, nope. Matt, the oldest, I am just getting to know and have discovered that he is really a great guy to hang around with. He is an amazing Dad even in some pretty tough circumstances by all accounts. Any guy that will sit during his alone time and let my kid flop on his bed to watch Deadliest Catch with him has got to be a pretty great Uncle.

Luke...I just adore Luke. When I think of the words generous or giving, that's Luke. At first Bella was terrified of his deep bellowing voice, but now Unka Looook is a common topic of conversation in her little world. Now Luke's wife Janie, or Jane-Jane, is seriously one of my greatest friends and closest confidant. Not only did I get Robbie who is incredible, I got it extra good getting to have 2 amazing Bonus Sisters. There is a lot to be said for having a safe place to do some serious venting without it turning into husband bashing. That only works when you have someone who loves and cares about your spouse as well. Plus, I have a built-in advice giver since in a lot of ways, we kind of married different versions of the same person. She makes me laugh until I almost wet my pants...that's my Jane.

Now Jim and Sammye. Alright, I think if you know me then you know how absolutely phenomenal I think that my Mom and Dad are. And if you know them, then you know that I am right. I Love My Momma and My Daddy. So much that it is hard to even find the words. But what did I end up with after I married Andy? A whole new set. And I gotta say that I have got to have probably the best Bonus Parents in the world. In fact, I love being with Jim and Sammye so much that when Bella was a newborn and Andy started traveling all the time I pretty much moved in with them. More than once. More than twice. Not because I had to or was pressured to or needed help. Seriously I just wanted to be there. I mean, I just spent almost 2 weeks sleeping in their living room and there was no other place in the world that I wanted to be for that moment in time. Of course your parent's house feels like home. I love being home with my parents. It's a comfort that is hard to match. But your in-laws house? Ummm, yep. I got that. Cooking with Jim is one of my most favorite things and learning how to cook from him is a close second. Jim raised my amazing husband to believe deep in himself that he can do anything. You know what? He can.
Laying around for days in my ratty house shorts with Sammye as we watch Dr. Phil episodes that she has been recording for over a year now is priceless time to me. Even if it does take us 3 hours to watch one show with all of the kids running chaotically around the house. I am so thankful for so much that Jim and Sammye have done for me, no questions asked. What I am most thankful for though? Having that third kid. Thank you for his life, his mind, his humor, his faith, his stability, his courage, his hope and of course for makin' such a good lookin' kid! That's what I always want them to know, thank you for Andy.

So again, if it sounds like I am bragging then you heard me correctly. I love my family. I. Love. My. Family.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Moments with Bella...

From the other end of the house:

Bella: Momma, booty huts. My booty huts!
Me: What Bella, why does your booty hurt?
Bella: Momma, jus c'meew. My booty huts!

As I enter her room, Bella is naked standing in the middle of the floor. She is smiling and in no pain at all. It is obvious she just wanted me to see what she had accomplished.

Bella: See Momma, my booty huts. (Snicker, snicker...)
Me: Take the hanger out from between your butt cheeks Bella.
Bella: Oh, Thanks Momma.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Our Home

We have lived in our beautiful home for a little over a year now. This was our first house to buy since we have been married and I must admit that I am very, very proud to say that it is ours. We started in 600 sq. feet, then 744 sq. feet, then 800 sq. feet, then 950 sq. feet before we ended up where we call home today. And yes you did count correctly, if you include our move into our first place, Andy and I have moved 5 times in the last 3 1/2 years. Needless to say, we are very, very good at moving.

I love this house. I mean I really, really love this house. Really. After a year I am still learning the ins and outs of home ownership. For instance, I get the pleasure of knowing that I can paint any room in the house any color that I want to...because I can, and I did. Andy can drill holes in any wall of the house to hang our massive speakers that of which I can play music out of any time of day as loud as I want to...and he did, and I do. I can have more than 1 person in the kitchen at a time and not have to go hose down after I get done cooking dinner...and I love it. So many good things some to mind. However there are a few negatives that I have learned. For instance, if the hot water heater, in the hellishly hot attic, on a Saturday night, the night before Father's day, THE DAY THAT OUR HOME WARRANTY EXPIRES, decides to go out, um yea you gotta pay for that yourself. Things like that haven't been so great but I get it, it's just part of it.

I will say that I discovered today that in case of a fire in our home, we will definitely be woken from our sleep by the ear-piercing symphony from our securely mounted, fully operational, 8 smoke detectors. I know this because today I set them off. All of them. 10 times. The food I was cooking for Andy's team lunch is in the trashcan outside and it smells like someone played the flaming bag of dog poop trick on us about 15 times. And then we decided to take one to bed with us and place 5 of them in our living room for safe keeping. It stinks in here today.

But you know what? It's alright. Because I just love this house.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Life is Good.

I love my little girl so much. I don't even have the words.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Incase You Were Wondering

Back from our time away from home and ready to get posting again. However just a quick one today. It has come to my attention that some who attended the Life youth camp a few weeks ago left with the impression that a joke between our dear friend Zack King and Andy was indeed true rather than just a silly thing that silly boys do. Although this was not the first year for the before mentioned joke, I actually began receiving congratulations after this year as did my parents. Of course I felt the need to clear the air.

So one quick note: No, I am not nor have I ever been pregnant with twins. And no, I was not pregnant last year or the year before that one. I am not that tough of a woman and if any of this were true, and I did indeed have 3 children with 2 more on the way in just the last 3 years then I would be writing you this post from the Looney Bin.

Just thought I would pass that along.

Monday, July 14, 2008

To Whom It May Concern

Bella and I are taking some very, very much needed time in Oklahoma for the next 10 days. The blog will probably get the boot off my "things to do list" until we get back based on the fact that my "things to do list" has nothing on it other than the following

1. Enjoy not being in full Mommy Mode.
2. Stay in my pajamas all day long while my mother-in-law does the same thing and not be ashamed of it at all.
3. Only switch out of before mentioned pajamas to take the girls outside and play naked in the sprinkler. (Not me, the kids.)
4. Cook and eat and cook and eat.
5. Soak up time with 3 of my favorite people in the world. Mimi, Pa and Uncle Matt.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Even If...

Years ago God put a statement deep in my heart that I knew was a way He was going to call me to live my life.

Even If...

Even If all of the things that could go wrong, start to go wrong, what are you going to do? What choice are you going to make? That being said, it really didn't cross my mind for years why God would have spoken that to me out of all things He could have said. I have to say that the past 7 years of being naive about what God wanted to do with me was pretty great. Yet in the last 2 years of my life, it has been made clear that it was now time to put that to work. Without going into too much detail, in my own life and in the lives of some of those who are close to me, God has allowed some trials to come up that have me asking myself, do I really mean it? It was easy to say it to others and have them try to live it out. Yet, now this is me. This is my life. This is my closest friend's life that has been shattered my learning her husband has been living a double life. This is a close family friend who has lost their baby. This is the simple fact that in the blink of an eye, life can make a 180 and toss you so hard you don't have any idea which way is up. Over the last 8 months God has added 3 words to what He spoke to me 7 years ago that has changed my life. You know what else...It has thrown me for a loop.

Even If Not...

That's right. Even If...Even If Not. Even if all of the things that could come your way do? What are you going to do Even if God decides Not to answer your cries for help in the way you thought He would. Even if your kid gets deathly ill. Even if God does Not heal them. Even if your spouse deeply betrays you. Even if your spouse does Not choose to stop the lies and help heal your heart. Even if you are a victim of a terrible car accident. Even if a check for your $500,000 in medical bills does Not show up in your mailbox. I'll be honest and say that when I started to realize how God was calling me to live my life, I got really, really scared. I mean, would God go through trying to show me all of this if I didn't have something waiting for me in the future where I am going to need to use it? A tad bit daunting...a tad. So as I wallowed in a bad mix of fear/anxiousness/excitement I found myself in this short, direct and life changing conversation with God.

Me: Alright God, I get what you're sayin. I get what it is that you want me to do with my life. Even If...Even If Not. But you gotta tell me how in the world I am supposed to start this. How do I do that?
God: First, Love Fearlessly.

That was it.
So I sat down to write it out.
Even If...
Even If Not...
Love Fearlessly.

(By the way, Cindy Beall wrote a great post about When God Says No that I think helps sum up the Even If Not part of things.)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Daddy's Big Bye-Bye

Bella woke up missing Andy this morning. I have been prepping her for him to be gone for the next 14 days or so starting on Saturday. Little does she know that this year has been the most that Andy has been home since we have been married. But she has no idea what the last 2 Summers have been like. Today she started to get nervous...
First thing when she woke up-

Bella: Wayer is Dad at Mom?
Me: He went to work Bella.
Bella: He need to come back Mom.
Me: Why Bella? He will be back later today.
Bella: Heez not on heez big bye-bye today?
Me: No Bella, that's not here yet. He is just at his office.
Bella: Wit Papa and Uncle Bubba?
Me: Yep.
Bella: I don't want heez big bye-bye Mom.
Me: Why Bella? You are going to have fun with me.
Bella: No Mom, onwy Dad is fun.
Me: Bella, I am fun too. What do you think we do all day?
Bella: Um, you hep me put me in time out.
Me: I do more than that Bella. Come on now.
Bella: you get me macawoni an cheese das too hot fo me.
Me: Whatever Bella.
Bella: Wudeber Mom.

It could be a long 2 weeks.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I Am Not Sure How He Does It

I did not dream of my wedding day since I was 5 years old.
I can eat an entire box of pasta.
I do not have a favorite color.
I love to write but I hate to read.
I can cook an awesome meal for a crowd, but seriously bomb dinner for Andy 3 out of 5 times a week.
I had to run out of the gym once after I saw a woman wipe out on the treadmill and 15 minutes later I still couldn't stop laughing.
I was 24 years old when that happened.
I cannot leave the grocery store without spending at least 35$, even if I only came for charcoal.
I do not call/email people who I truly miss.
I think Dance Dance Revolution is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen.
I was the mother who forgot to bring Valentine's for Bella's MDO class.
The above statement also applies to Christmas, Halloween and Thanksgiving parties.
I will leave a load of clothes in the dryer and re-run the fluffer for days and I still consider that "doing the laundry".
I could sleep until 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
I have a very strong distaste for Dr. Laura Schlesinger.
I cannot help but laugh uncontrollably when I see someone hit their head on something.
I had my driver's license taken away by the state when I was 17.
I was told that being a biological mother might be difficult for my body to accomplish, 9 years before I had my daughter.
I fall down very easily.
I have only written a letter of complaint one time in my life and that was to the Montel Williams Show.
I also then wrote the Dr. Phil show to tell on Montel Williams.
I cannot maintain any sort of composure if I hear someone fart. In fact, just writing this one down...I am laughing to myself.
I can and have successfully gone a consecutive 14 days without ever leaving my house.
I text message when I drive.
I have had to pick myself up off of the ground more than once.
I have decided to wallow in my misery more than twice.
I have truly hurt those closest to me more than I want to think about.
I am not always the best wife to my husband.
I know who the enemy is.
I am still learning who God is.
I have not yet decided who I am.

And my husband, my hero, the one I believe in most in this world...believes in me.

Monday, July 7, 2008

I Don't Know Why I Am Surprised

We just got back to Denton after a great few days in our hometown of Edmond, OK for the 4th. We did a lot of relaxing, spent a lot of much needed time with some of our closest friends and just had an all around great time. Oh yea, and we discovered that our daughter happens to be more fearless than we thought. This was Bella's first time in a real swimming pool where she was actually able to enjoy it on her own. Yes, I said on her own. At first she was a little timid, however I should have known that wasn't going to last. Soon all I heard was "Momma, let me do it by myself". By the end of Day 1 Bella was entertaining the crowd by sitting with water covering all the way over the top of her head, looking around under the water at everyone. By the end of Day 2, she was actually holding onto things just to keep her head under water longer. And I am not exaggerating on that one folks. My kid is part fish.
She also had a first time experience with coming face-to-face with 2 very large horses both of which once again she was not afraid. Andy was more nervous than anyone about her getting her hand taken off when she insisted on feeding these massive animals treat after treat that were no bigger than a piece of shredded wheat. In fact, Bella introduced herself to one of them by jamming her finger up his nostril when I was not paying attention. Of course he didn't like this one bit, however Bella insisted on trying it over and over again because she said "But Mom, heez gots boogers in dayer".
Overall it was an amazing time. Lot's of firsts for our little family. It was a little hard to come back home. I'll get some pictures posted as soon as I get them.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

You Silly Tease

As I lay in my backyard this afternoon for water play time with Bella it hit me. There I was, in my bathing suit, laying in my folding sun-chair...sweating to death. Every now and then I would let the water coming out of the little spout on Bella's Froggie swimming pool (Wal-Mart $4.99 special) sprinkle on my feet to try to keep my body temperature somewhat regulated. It felt a little ghetto, but no one could see me anyway. Soon the Devil Heat of Texas began to get to me. Next thing I knew, I found myself rigging up our Elmo the Firefighter Sprinkler to the water hose only to strategically place it where just the right amount of continuous water would sprinkle across me every few seconds. For a moment, I felt like a genius as I lay perfectly cool in the hot sun...until I glanced up and saw through the cracks in the fence the glistening blue water of the pool next door teasing me like a teenage girl on prom night. (Sorry about that one, but you have to admit it's funny.)
It was that moment that I realized, my little set-up with Elmo and the Froggie Pool probably belonged somewhere that my neighbor would resemble Cousin Eddie from National Lampoon's Vacation. Especially when I found myself irritated that Bella actually wanted to play in the Elmo Sprinkler rather than have me use it for my personal mist machine.
How do I feel about the fact that my Russian neighbor who is in Europe the entire Summer, each and every Summer has a perfectly maintained swimming pool that sits un-used just steps away from my door? Well, I think it's kick you in the crotch, spit on your neck fantastic. And if you ever hear that Andy had to come and bail me out of Denton County will be for trespassing.

Monday, June 30, 2008


I think that Bella is beautiful.
Of course her face is gorgeous, Andy and I do make a good lookin baby! But I think that everything about her is beautiful. Her passion. Her innocence. Her lack of understanding and her growing knowledge of the things around her. Her messy hair that never seems to grow accept for one extra long hair that when fully stretched is inches longer than the rest. Her extreme joy in the little things and her tragic disappointment both over something as simple as a bottle of bubbles. Her need for repetition but also her desire to try something new. Her fearless love. Her precise decisions and her curiosity of what was behind door #2. (She gets that from her Daddy.) Her drama that accompanies random everyday events such as peeing in her Pull-Up all over the picture of Ariel from The Little Mermaid...that was a very, very sad day for Bella yet she has no problem with doing it everyday since then. Her endearing love for people and her cold-as-ice attitude that can make someone feel kinda stupid. Her future, who she will be and what she will accomplish. Her failures that will be painful but will shape her strength for the next time. Her touch. Her smell. Her tears. Her laugh. Her love. Her fear. Her hope.

I think everything, every single thing about Bella is beautiful. I want to make it my goal that she will never, ever have to wonder otherwise.

Friday, June 27, 2008


The other day I was telling someone about something that Bella had come up with and they said to me "How fun, she is starting to imagine". Maybe it's just me but I don't know that I quite consider it imagining as much as I think of it as Bella has just started making stuff up. As for Andy, well he says that she is a liar. I think that's a little harsh yet kind of funny. But he still does a good job of humoring her. (For an example, my post about the monster hunt...)

Here are some of the latest.
Scene- In my car, headed back home from the Argyle Campus
Bella: Momma! I see a ewaphant!
Me: An elephant! Where Bella?
Bella: Wite dayer on da gwass!!!
Me: Really! Wow Bella, cool.
Bella: Uh-huh, hees blue.
Me: A blue elephant, that's great Bella! What's his name?
Bella: Uh-huh, hees name is Isabella Gwace Tilly.
Me: Oh yeah? What a beautiful name.
Bella: Yep, hees bootiful. An he likes chocwat.
Me: Chocolate Bella?
Bella: Uh-huh. An when we get home, I need to give heem one.
Me: Oh you do huh?
Bella: Yes. He peed.
Me: Oh, ok. I get it.
Bella: But...but I need to give da chocwat to heem.
Me: Ok.
Bella: An you need to go in da udder woom.

Or this one
Scene- Tilly Family Living Room, Bella has her "cell phone" up to her ear.
Me: Bella, what are you doing?
Bella: I'm jus talkin to Dad.
Me: Oh yeah, what's Daddy have to say?
Bella: Um...he says hees gonna bwing me a wowitoe.
Me: A burrito? That sounds good. What else is Daddy saying?
Bella: He says dat you needa go to time out Mom.
Me: What? Why do I need to go to time out?
Bella: Because you was naughty.
Me: I was not Bella. You are the naughty one.
Bella: Daddy jus said now you needa spankin.
Me: A spankin! Your nuts.
Bella: No Momma, Daddy says you cwazy or sumfin. (A quote from Channing in their video together, you can watch it...see a few posts back.)
Me: I'm crazy or somthin? I think your crazy or somethin.
Bella: Ok, fine. Now you godda go night-night Mom. Daddy says.

Thursday, June 26, 2008


Look at these 2 girls. If I didn't know them I would not believe that they were related. Their personalities are very different from each other as well. But I will say this, they are both absolutely hilarious. Little Channing (for those of you who don't know, she is the 3 1/2 year old daughter of my brother Caleb and his wife Robbie)...Channing...seriously she is hands down really stinkin funny. She has never met a stranger and comes up with things that are just priceless. Of course there is no way that my brother could ever have a child that would not have an imagination that is hard to match. For instance when I was at Caleb and Robbie's the other day and I had this conversation with her.

Me: How was your morning Channing?
Channing: Um, Aunt Em I got in trouble this morning. (Um, yes I do make my nieces and nephews call me Aunt Em because I think it's funny.)
Me: Trouble? What did you do?
Channing: Well, I screamed at my Daddy this morning and he was really sad and he made me go and sit on my bed. And I screamed some more and I woke up Asher. And I had to get more time out and I was sad. But I was just starving and Daddy got me a sandwich and I ate it on my bed. And then I danced.
Me: Really? Wow Channing.

Robbie: I just want you to know that none of that ever happened.

She's gonna be a handful.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

New Video of Bella and Channing

Robbie posted a new video of Bella and Channing for anyone who wants to see our 2 crazy little women.

The Monster

So monsters are the new thing, but with Bella it's not in a scary way. In fact, being the complex child that Bella is she only acts like she is scared of monsters. For a while she has been talking about a monster in her closet, but the other night she decided it was time for them to make an appearance. She came running into the room yelling "Ahhhhhhhhh" at the top of her lungs and stopped dead in her tracks in the entry way. With those big brown eyes about to pop out of her head, the following took place:

Andy: What is it Bella?
Bella: Dere's a monster in my woom Dad.
Andy: Bella, there are no monsters in your room.
Bella: I said dere's a monster in my woom Dad, wight dayer!! AHHHHHHH!!
Andy: Ok, if there is a monster in your room then prove it.

Andy thought he had out-smarted Bella, however she was about to beat him at his own game. She then directed him to each room in the house in search of the monster.

Bella's room- No monster
Bella's closet- No monster
Guest room #1- No monster
Guest room #1 closet- No monster
Guest room #2- No monster
Guest room #2 closet- No monster
Our room- No monster
Our closet- No monster

Andy: Ok, Bella I told you there were no monsters.
Bella: Ummm, he is on da potty. He needed to pee Dad.

Guest bathroom- No monster

Andy: See Bella, there is no monster on the potty.
Bella: He likes Momma's potty Dad. It's nice and warm in dayer.

It was then that Andy drew the line. As Bella ran back to me on the couch it was clear to me that she felt triumphant. Daddy had chosen not to prove that the monster was not sitting on my toilet, thus to her, he very well could have been.

Me: Well, where's the monster Bella?
Bella: Um...he's on yo potty mom.
Me: He is? You want me to go get him?
Bella: No Mom, don't go get heem. He's poopin.

Monday, June 23, 2008

At least they thought it was funny, Installment # 2

So I was looking at an empty cardboard roll from the paper towels in the kitchen and I thought of a funny story from when I was a kid.

Since I was a pretty small child, shocker...sorry Bella... my brother Caleb often thought it was entertaining to use that to his advantage in his never-ending urge to come up with things people have never tried before. Now, let me say that today my brother is an AMAZING Daddy and husband. I adore him and admire him in so many ways. Hands down, he is just one of the all around greatest people that I know. He was a great kid as well, but anytime you have a child with an imagination as incredible as Caleb's is you are bound to have some stories.

Most of the time I think he just wanted to see what would happen if he tried something out. Of course, I was the ideal guinea pig for the test runs. We played many rounds of "Let's see if Emily can fit in this" and "Let's find out if Emily can get out of the tree if I take the ladder away". But once Caleb thought it would be funny to see find out just how far Emily could fly.

There I stood on the top of our brick retaining wall, about 4 ft. up off the ground. I waited in innocence dressed in my favorite splatter-painted sweat suit as Caleb stood across the yard from me with a 6 ft. long cardboard tube that had come from a roll of fabric my Mom had in the garage. Now, this thing was not flimsy like the ones your toilet paper comes on. We are talking 1/2 thick cardboard here. I knew he was going to do something. Looking back I can't see why I thought that this was a great idea as well. Suddenly, his charge began. He had his eye on the target which I soon realized was indeed my 9 year old little belly. Next thing I know I was sent flying through the air, backwards off the wall.

This would be a good time to mention that one of the stupidest pieces of landscaping are those huge sticker bushes that do nothing but sit around and have inch long needles of death just waiting to catch some kid by surprise. I am sure they are called something very fancy but I have a better name for them. I mean, Seriously.

Needless to say, my adventure through the air accompanied by the 4 ft. drop off came to a painful end in our neighbors bushes, which yes...were a nice, very well grown patch of Hell Bushes. My stomach was on fire and apparently there had been a convorsation between the devil thorns, my butt and my thighs at which it was decided that they should all meet. At least Caleb thought it was funny...